Monday, January 14, 2013

Fundraiser for Dercum's Survey Research Project

Happy New Year Everyone!

 I'm excited to tell you about a new way we can help Dr. Herbst and ourselves!

 Dr. Herbst has a project in mind that could begin soon. How many of you have read her article "Adiposis Dolorosa Is More Than Painful Fat"? That article helped us learn what symptoms are common with Dercum's Disease. Great information! But it was based on a survey done more than 5 years ago. Wouldn't it be great to not only get an update but to actually be a survey participant?

 Dr. Herbst estimates that it will take $1500 to pay assistants to do mailings, enter and validate the data and do some preliminary analysis.

 We can help by donating toward that effort! Cure Dercum's is organizing this and will keep track of all donations and donors. The money raised (minus paypal fees) will go directly to Dr. Herbst's research fund at the University of San Diego and will be earmarked for this project. Any extra money received will be saved for the next project. Periodic updates will be posted on the Cure Dercum's site. Once the money has been raised, an invitation to partcipate in the survey will be posted on our site and on facebook.  If you were in the original survey, Dr. Herbst will attempt to contact you directly. If you were in the original survey and your contact information has changed, please contact her directly at

Donations can be made through the link on our site. If you are not able to use paypal but would still like to donate, contact me at and I will give you some options.

 Let's make this happen!
