Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Getting the best price for prescription drugs

Thanks to Jean for finding this for us!

Tips for getting the best price on your prescription drugs

Posted at: 05/10/2012 10:24 PM on www.kob.com | Updated at: 05/11/2012 9:02 AM
By: Peter St. Cyr

Americans spend billions of dollars every year on prescription medications, but they're not always getting their drugs at the lowest price.

Our 4 On Your Side team went shopping and found prices can vary by hundreds of dollars for the same medication depending on where you shop.

When new mom Theresa Hamilton, or her baby, gets sick the last thing she thinks of doing is looking for a better deal on her drugs.

“I just want to get my pills, go upstairs and fall asleep,” she said. Hamilton isn't alone.

Most people KOB talked to go to the same pharmacy time after time. They like the convenience of a nearby drug store. Corner stores may be convenient, but they're not always the low cost option.

Casa De Salud Doctor Andru Zeller, who helps low income patients find low cost drugs, says tracking changing prices isn't easy. “In essence, it's like following the stock market without a newspaper or television,” Zeller said. Still, he's willing to make calls and go online to find the best deal. Zeller told 4OYS no single pharmacy can claim the lowest price on every drug. “Sometimes they'll charge a lot more for one med, but have a great price on another,” Zeller said. He likes Walmart's $4 program, because it covers most of his patients needs. ”But if you step outside that group of medicines, which are on the $4 plan, you see a significant amount of money for some of the meds you would think would be less expensive,” Zeller said. Zeller said the best way to save money is to call at least five or six pharmacies and ask for a price quote. Or check online stores. 4OYS discovered that some internet pharmacies sell drugs for 35 percent or more off regular store prices.
“Online plans are reasonable," Zeller said. "Make sure it's easy to order, order early, and don't run out before the next delivery arrives.”

Consumer reports recommends consumers talk to their doctors before getting a prescription filled, and always ask them if a generic drug is available for whatever they prescribe.

1) Always check prices at five or six pharmacies.
2) Check prices online
3) Buy in bulk. Prices for a 90-day supply are almost always cheaper.
3) Check with drug manufacturers about their patient assistant programs.
4) Buy a higher dosage and split the pills.
5) Or, if you need a high dose pill, ask your doctor if you can buy and then take an equal amount of pills to equal the dose that was prescribed.

No matter what you do don't stop taking your meds because you can't afford them. Ask your doctor, insurance company, or pharmacists to help. If you buy online make sure you are using a verified pharmacist. Some dishonest vendors send fake drugs. And, while drugs may be cheaper just across the border Dr. Zeller said going to Mexico or Canada to fill your prescription is illegal.

Here's a list of verified online pharmacy sites:

These website can you you find patient assistance programs.

Medicare's national program also helps people who pay for prescriptions with their government benefits. For details call 1-800-Medicare or visit www.medicare.gov.