It's tough to stay on a diet! No matter what type you are following: RAD, low carb, low fat, low calorie.... One of the things that often helps you to stay on track is using a diet journal. Record what you eat and the particular content you are measuring. For example, a low calorie one might read-
ham + cheddar on roll (50 + 100 + 160), coffee (60), 1/8 pumpkin cake (190) 560
24 oz. veggie soup (525), stewed tomatoes (100) 625
pumpkin cake (450), coffee (75) 525
Okay, I didn't say it was the BEST but it was within the goal of 1800 calories per day.
I like the Calorie King guide to use for calorie counts. It also contains fat & carb counts. Keep a tablet or notebook nearby to write it down as the day goes by. If you're at work or eating out, write it down and look it up when you get home.
Any kind of notebook will do but if you like to use a journal, there are several nice ones available on Amazon. As is the Calorie King guide. As always, if you buy it there, a percent of the sale comes to Cure Dercum's for education and research.
Take care!