RAD Diet

The RAD (Rare Adipose Disease) Diet is a pretty restrictive diet that promotes reduction of inflammation. Guidelines of the diet can be found at the lipomadoc.org site. Here is a brief summary:

 The essentials of the RAD diet are as follows: Lower consumption of pasteurized dairy products, animal protein and fats, simple sugars and carbohydrates (low glycemic), salt and wheat or processed flour products, while enriching the diet with organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy proteins. Avoid foods that contain lots of chemicals such as artificial preservatives, flavors, fake sweeteners like aspartame, colors and stabilizers which includes most prepared, packaged and fast foods.  A lot of packaged foods have advanced glycation end products or AGEs that can cause damage in the body and increase the risk for diabetes and alzheimers.  Cooked foods also have AGEs so raw foodists also support lowering your AGE consumption.

1. Lower fat consumption as fats are absorbed directly into the lymphatics.
2. Eat low glycemic index foods to lower insulin levels - insulin makes fat grow.
3. Eat lots of fresh vegetables that have enzymes that are absorbed into the lymphatics and in essence "roto-rooter" out the stagnant protein.  You can add enzymes with advice from your healthcare provider.
4. Lower your salt intake if you are able so you retain less water/fluid.
5. Each time we eat we generate inflammation as the lymph system surrounds the gut.  Rest the gut by takig a day off and eating liquid type foods such as soups, stews (without meat or at least with pulled meats), smoothies, protein shakes, applesauce, juiced vegetables and fruits.page clicking the following link:

If you are first starting this diet, you may want to give yourself a few days or so of looking it over and getting familiar with it.  Personally, I do not follow the diet all the time but I found cutting out at least 90%  of the foods we should not eat has helped me.  You really need to look over everything and make sure your doctor approves of your dietary changes and that it is something you are comfortable with.  There may be other conditions you have that would make this and other diets not right for you. 

For me, I have a very delicate (maybe the only delicate thing about me) digestive system.  I have to ease into changes and I find if I don't eat something for a long time and, either by choice or not realizing, if I eat something with what I was avoiding in it, I have paid the price dearly.  I also do much better with cooked veggies and fruits.  I make homemade soup and grilled veggies throughout the year.  I also just got my first juicer and have enjoyed a nice healthy juice for a snack during the day.  Also since most all people suffering from Dercum's have IBS, you should try taking probiotics everyday and remember to get enough good fat into your diet.

Other diets to look into that may actually help you understand the RAD diet better are the Alkaline/Acid diet and Traditional Chinese Medicine's cold/damp condition (for RADs, a that is how an acupuncturist would diagnose us).  Also, eating as much organic fruits and vegetables is definitely recommended.  It may be a little more expensive, but the toxins in the supermarket produce just wreaks havoc on our bodies.  Please consider buying locally from farm stands.  Not only are you supporting your neighbors, this is the best way to ensure what you are getting is fresh.

I have a lot of recipes that I have found over the last couple of years and some I have made myself. I will post them here as often as possible.  I will also make a remark if the diet follows the RAD diet guidelines.  I have some recipes that have some of the limited ingredients as part of them and I wish to make it as clear as possible.

If you have any questions or recipes of your own, please send a message to curedercums@gmail.com.