It's that time of year when everyone is in a giving mood and what better way to give than to help us move forward with Dercum's Disease research? Last year the JAD team raised just over $1000. I would LOVE to see us get $2000 this year!
We've got a head start from the very generous people who have donated $160. Can we get $1840 more? We can do anything!
I call this fundraiser the "Ask your friends and family" fundraiser. You may see them later this week. Ask if they will make a donation to help further research on your disease. Many will be glad to do so and it will help all of us.
All money raised will go to the FDRS (Fat Disorders Research Society) designated Dercum's research fund.
The link is on this page. You can direct friends and family to the link to use a credit card through paypal. Or you can collect money and I will give you an address later.
If you have any questions, email me at
Thanks everyone! And have a great holiday!