As many of you know because my life is an open book, I had an anniversary last week and not the good kind. My sister, Diana had passed away at the age of 46 a year ago and her best friend wanted to throw a get together for friends and family in her memory. This took place on Saturday just a day after the anniversary of her passing.
Sisters: From left Elizabeth, Diana and (me) Janet |
It was nice. Actually it was very good seeing everyone. I have been hiding a lot in the last year and I know I need to get out there more but it drains me to do so.
Over 50 people showed up and for once I did not have much to do in preparation. Somehow, years ago, I got appointed my family's party guru. OK maybe my control freak side got the best of me a few times and my family just went with it but I do love (or should I say I used to love) throwing a good party.
Due to the 8 hours of standing too much, eating too much, trying to drink some beer in my sister's honor (which apparently 1.25 beers was too much), fighting off bugs way too much and the roller coaster of too many emotions leading up to and during that day, my body just rebelled. I think at this point the bad side is winning but I am hoping for a better tomorrow.
Well, the celebration of Diana's life (as we named the gathering) was 2 days ago. I am just realizing my recovery period is getting longer and longer every time I get myself out there in the real world and people still wonder why I don't go out as much as I used to. Yesterday I had a lot of shooting pains and fatigue but today on top of those symptoms I have a lot of vertigo and brain fog. My insomnia is kicking in lately as well so that does not help. In fact, I am not even sure that I am really awake and writing this so forgive me if it makes no sense.
I have been really good about trying to stay de-stressed before I have something to do outside my normal routine. I also try to do my best to take care of myself during the event by drinking lots of water, staying out of the sun and sitting down as much as possible.
Now I am realizing I need a plan of attack for after the event as well. Below I am listing just a few things that I will need to remember to do the days following any social gathering I attend:
1) Drink Plenty of Fluids
I know this goes without saying but believe me I tend to forget.
2) Get Up and Stretch
Links to For Your Health Today |
After a long day my pillow and my cat seem to be my best friends. Oh, I should add my husband to that list because he ends up playing the role of butler when I am feeling very ill. (OK, honestly, he ends up playing butler a lot more than he likes and really hates it when I start calling him Jeeves).
I guess what I am saying is I could stay in bed through the whole day whether I am sleeping or not. I have even gone as far as not getting up for the bathroom until it is absolutely necessary to make the trip. This especially takes talent if you are following step 1 above.
Getting up and moving your muscles no matter how much pain you are in is very important for the lymphatic system. Whether I am sitting at the computer working, watching a movie on TV or just having a stay in bed kind of day, I make it a point to get up at least once an hour for 5 to 10 minutes.
During this time I walk around a little, get myself something to eat or drink and stretch out the muscles that are bothering me the most. At the very least, do some stretches in the bed.
3) Rest and Avoid Stress
I try to plan to do nothing at least for 1 day after the event. I make sure I have a couple of good books to read or watch an entire season of a program on Netflix. I do this all with my Kindle Fire which is probably my most favorite accessory in the whole world. Who needs a pretty purse when you got all the wonders of the world in a little tiny box? Though I could do without its horrible autocorrect but that is a story for another time.
Oh and I know you are all shaking your head at the "avoid stress" part of this step. Most of you laugh at people who tell you this. I understand. Life goes on, however, you should be able to explain to your family that you need a recovery day after certain things and plan accordingly with them ahead of time.
4) Eat Small Easily Digestible Meals Throughout the Day
If you are like me, no matter what you think going in to it, you are going to indulge on food at a gathering. Sometimes you may not even realize you are doing it but it is going to happen. It is inevitable.
You do not want to avoid eating all together the days that follow. You need sustenance to get better.
If you know one thing about me (besides my hatred towards steroids), you know I am a HUGE fan of soup but that is not always an option especially in the month of July in New England or where ever you are from in the Northern hemisphere. For the Southern hemisphere, there probably aren't many months that you want a big bowl of hot soup but you get my point.
So, soup aside, what are some other easily digestible edibles:
What to avoid:
Breading, frying, red meat, raw veggies or greasy foods. Basically all the things I normally want to eat when I am tired and feeling crappy.
What's On the Menu (by Food Group)
Plain, skinless, broiled chicken
Scrambled eggs
Canned tuna in water but avoid the mayo (you can try with mashed avocado instead)
Go with non-citrus
Cranberry Juice
Make sure they are well cooked
Avoid corn (at all time)
If you can have dairy, yogurt is the way to go but try coconut yogurt which contains no dairy and is pretty yummy.
I know I am just spouting common sense but even the best of us forget to take care of ourselves. Don't worry about how sick you are going to feel and just get out there every once and awhile and try to enjoy life while you can.
Gentle hugs my DD friends!